Privacy Policy

Last update: 17h00, 13/6/2024 (website) collectively referred to as “DxFAC“, commits to protecting the privacy of customers' information. Please read the "Privacy Policy" below before accessing other content:

1. Collection of personal information

To access and use our website services and applications, you may be asked to register your personal information (Full name, Contact phone number, Email...). All declared information must ensure accuracy and legality. DxFAC does not bear any responsibility related to the law of declared information.

The information we collect is used for:

  • Provide support for customers purchasing our products.
  • Answer customer questions.
  • Present our recently updated information.
  • Review and upgrade our website/application content and interface.
  • Other promotional activities related to DxFAC products and services.

We may also collect information about visits, including the number of pages you view, the number of links you click, and other information related to connecting to DxFAC, such as the web browser you use every time you access DxFAC, including IP address, browser type, language used, time and addresses accessed by the browser. exported to.

2. Use of personal information

DxFAC collects and uses your personal information for appropriate purposes and fully complies with the content of this "Privacy Policy".

When necessary, we can use this information to contact you directly in the form of email, phone call, text message... You can also receive emails providing product information, new services, information about upcoming events, or recruitment information... if you sign up to receive email notifications.

3. Sharing personal information

Except for the cases of "Use of personal information" as stated in this policy, we commit not to disclose your personal information to the public.

In some cases, we may hire an independent unit to conduct market research projects and your information will then be provided to this unit to conduct the project. This third party will be bound by a confidentiality agreement under which they are only allowed to use the information provided for the purpose of completing the project.

We may disclose or provide your personal information in the following truly necessary cases: (a) when requested by law enforcement agencies; (b) where we believe it will help us protect our legitimate rights before the law; (c) emergency and necessary to protect the personal safety of DxFAC members.

4. Confidentiality of personal information

When you send personal information to us, you agree to the terms we stated above. DxFAC commits to protecting your personal information in every possible way.

DxFAC also recommends that you comply with the following principles to protect your personal information, including:

  • Do not disclose your Username and/or Password to anyone, write it or use it where it can be seen and seen by everyone.
  • When choosing a password, you should not choose easily identifiable information such as full name, date of birth, phone number, or some easily recognizable characters and numbers from your name, date of birth, and phone number.
  • Lock the system and browser when away from the computer, even for short periods. If you use a shared computer with many people, you should log out, or exit all open website windows.
  • When suspecting your password has been leaked, you should change your password immediately. If necessary, notify and request support from DxFAC.

In the event that illegal transactions or acts are conducted with your account or personal information without authorization or due to errors, unintentional or intentional, on your part, DxFAC understands that you will bear all losses or responsibilities according to the law when such transactions are performed.

5. Use of “cookies”

A cookie is a text file placed on your hard disk by a website server. Cookies are not used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. Cookies are assigned to your computer and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you.

DxFAC uses "cookies" to help personalize and maximize the efficiency of your online time when accessing DxFAC without having to re-register existing information.

You can accept or decline the use of cookies. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change your settings to decline all cookies if you prefer. However, if you choose to decline cookies, it may hinder and negatively affect some services and features that depend on cookies at DxFAC.

6. Regulations on "spam"

Spam is emails sent out that impersonate DxFAC's identity. DxFAC confirms that we will only send you emails if you register or use services from our system.

DxFAC commits not to sell, sublet, or lease your email from third parties. If you accidentally receive an unsolicited email from our system due to an unintended cause, please refuse to accept the attached email or notify DxFAC directly.

7. Change of policies

We can completely change the content in the "Privacy Policy" without prior notice, to suit the needs of DxFAC as well as the needs of feedback from customers. When we update the content of this policy, we will revise the "Last updated" time above.

The content of this "Privacy Policy" only applies at DxFAC, and does not include or relate to third parties placing ads or having links at DxFAC. We encourage you to carefully read the “Safety and Privacy Policy” of third-party websites before providing personal information to those websites. We are not responsible in any way for the content and legality of third-party websites.

8. Contact information

We welcome all comments and feedback about our "Privacy Policy". If you have any questions, please contact:

  • Email:
  • Hotline: (+84) 985 868 872